Best keyword research tool for free

by - October 14, 2018

As we all know that to improve the search ranking of our website it is necessary to do some keyword research in our website.Here i will discuss about Best keyword research tool for free in order in improve SEO in website.

Best keyword research tool for free

Here the tool that I am using is UberSuggest.Basically it is a free tool founded by Neil Patel as he is one of the top 10 marketers according to Forbes.
                         This tool will show you everything from volume to cost per click data.If you need any keyword suggestions you will get hundreds of suggestions from this free tool.It also gives the information about the keyword difficulty and how the selected keyword is competitive to rank.

Steps to implement to do keyword research :

First you should choose the niche that you are interested in or passionate about and create the blog on that specific niche.

  • Visit the website UberSuggest.
  • Then Enter the specific keyword that you want to rank about.For Example i will type earn money online and select the specific country and click on search.
Best keyword research tool for free

  •  Then you will get the keyword overview which you have searched for.
Best keyword research tool for free

  • Here you will also get keyword ideas 
Best keyword research tool for free
  • The one which shows green color in SEO Difficulty is easy to rank that keyword.
So,based on your niche select the keyword and add it in your blog posts in order to improve the search ranking of your blog.

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