How to increase traffic on blog through Facebook ?

by - October 14, 2018

Ever wondered how to increase traffic on blog and got tired in improving the search presence of your blog.So,stop worrying now and implement the below given techniques to improve your blog traffic.
How to increase traffic on blog through Facebook ?

Implement these techniques and improve traffic on your blog using Facebook 

Nowadays we all use Facebook as a medium for communication between our friends,relatives and also loved ones.This site (Facebook) has helped the marketers to improve their business by connecting them with customers to get tremendous response in their business and let them grow quickly and build their custom audience.
                             Facebook has a feature of ads manager in which you can target on a particular niche or product and create the ad based on that product and boost the ad across the Facebook.You can increase app installs,product sales,website traffic and much more..based on your budget.As i think it might works well and helps in improving your business statistics.

Using Paid method to increase traffic on blog
As I stated above you can use Facebook ads manager to advertise website to a large audience.

  • Go to Create Ads
  • Under the consideration tab there are various options like traffic,engagement,app installs and much more.
  • To gain traffic to your site click on traffic.
  • Next give the campaign name and click continue.
  • Then choose your audience and set a budget and click continue.
  • Choose your ad format and destination url and at last confirm.
Using Free method to increase traffic on blog

For a free method you have to join your niche related groups on Facebook.For example your blog is all about sports then you have to join the groups related to sports or any sports person which help you in improving blog traffic.

For Example : My niche is all about Earn money online so i search for groups related to earning money online and join them.
After joining read the rules of the group and then start posting.The article which you want to gain traffic,share that article link into the Facebook groups so that users might get engage and very much interested in reading the article and make sure that your article is worth it for the users.

For more Info I will suggest to read these blog articles ↓

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